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Add:No.37,Lane 209,Alley 173/37,AnDuongVuong Street,PhuThuong Ward,TayHo District,HaNoi City.

NSD Corporation

Absolute position sensor, Electrical converter and controller

Absocoder:VRE, MRE, VLS, VARICAM, VARILIMIT, VARISWITCH, VARIANALG, CYLNUC, SYLNUC MARK2, Inrodsensor, NTcoder, absoservo, HPS1, Absocoupler, Baum Coupler, connector

1947 April Private company established under name of Sanyo Denki
1955 July
Incorporated into Sanyo Denki Co.,Ltd
Gross capital with 500,000yen

Sanyo Denki Co.,Ltd

1958 November Capital increased to 1 million yen
A Growing Reputation with trust based technology and manufacturing. From the start, NSD Corporation's approach to business was to provide exceptional technology service and extraordinary quality products. The idea resonated with a devoted customer and trust base.

Research and Design,Fabrication and Manufacturing

1961 November Trading business start (factory automation system & device)
1963 May Capital increased to 15 million yen
July Incorporated into Sanyo Denki Kogyo Co.,Ltd and moved into Kamimaezu Nagoya where is the current NSD Corporation head office is located
1965 April
Toyota (Takaoka) factory was established where is the current NSD Corporation Toyota factory is located, in order to research and produce the optical relay and control devices
Toyota(Takaoka) first factory
1967 February Expansion of capacity with mechanical & electronic devices
1968 July Toyota(Takaoka) second factory was established
Introduce NSD's Own Brand with creative design and innovative idea.
The company enlarged its business field / capacity and introduced own brand products as full fledged manufacturing company.

Constant voltage transformer

1970 April Capital increased to 45 million yen
New head office building was established at Nagoya

New head office building

1971 September Development of SANVOL which is industrial constant voltage transformer as NSD's first-own-brand product
October Development of Rotary Switch
1973 July Development of SAMUCOS which is industrial micro computer
Toyota(Takaoka) third factory was established
Toyota(Takaoka) third factory
1974 July Hamamatsu office was established
August Capital increased to 90million yen
1977 March Received a Minister prize from the small and medium business administration
1979 November SG Corporation was established at Tokyo
Renamed NSD Corporation and Introduce ABSOCODER. ABSOCODER is based on NSD's solid record as a manufacture of absolute control system. Featuring a unique operating principle which results in a superior construction design as a magnetic reluctance change theory.


1981 April
Development of ABSCODER which is absolute encoder with a magnetic reluctance change theory


Development of VARICAM which is ABSOCODER dedicated controller with switch signal output


1983 March
Development of CYLNUC which is position sensing smart cylinder

April Tokyo sales office was established
1984 June
Development of VARILIMIT which is ABSOCODER dedicated controller with limit switch signal output


July Incorporated into NSD Corporation
September Capital increased to 98 million yen
1985 April Development of ABSOCODER with heavy-duty sensor for harsh environment
1986 November
Sasahara factory was established
Sasahara factory
1987 June Hiroshima office was established
1989 July
Development of ABSOSERVO which is industrial servo motor


November Toyota sales office was established
Strengthen Sales Capacity not only Japanese Domestic but also World Over. Expand sensor business through development and sales capacity.

Osaka Branch(meijiyasuda Life osaka umeda)

1990 March Osaka office was established
1991 March Development of PE Series which is servo controller
July Development of MIRUZO which is image and vision processing system
October Fukuoka office was established
1992 November
SG Corporation Nagoya (overseas sales center) was established
SG second building
1997 January Development of TICLESEYE which is color sensing device
February ANS Corporation was established
April Development of CYLNUC MARK-II which is IRS built-in position sensing smart cylinder
1999 December Development of TT-1 which ring sensor
Reliable and ECO Technology. Reinforce an ethical management & corporate social responsibility. Compliance with international standardization and environmental regulations such a ISO9001 / ISO14001/ ROSH / CE / EU.


2000 April Toyota and Sasahara factory acquired ISO9001 certification
December Development of ABSO PX M Series which is heavy duty magnet switch for harsh environment
2001 May Development of KM SCANNER which is stamped word reading device
2002 October Development of ABSOCOUPLER which is non-contact & wireless power and data transfer system
2005 December Development of ABSOGAUGE which is precise measurement device for harsh environment
2006 April Development of Wet & Dry Sensor
May Development of ABSO PX EC Sensor which is a heavy duty magnet sensor for harsh environment
2007 August Development of STEPPING CYLNUC which is a valve built in position sensing & motion control smart cylinder
September Toyota and Sasahara factory acquired ISO14001 certification
November Development of SUBMICRON ABSOCODER which is precise position sensor with intrinsic safety anti-explosion specification
Development of HYBRID COUPLER which is contact and non-contact & multi-functional transfer system
December Development of VRTENSION which is NSD creative tension measurement device
2009 March Development of ABSO PULPUL which is pulse output converter with ABSOCODER sensor
November Development of EZ GAP which is eddy current displacement heavy duty sensor for harsh environment
Move into a New Technology Era base on NSD's 60 Years Experiences and Preparing the Next 100 Years. We only think better technology which should be profitable at actual process and enhance a customer benefit.

2010 February Development of GATE CONVERTER which is for hydro power and water flap gate
March Development of GUN CONTROLLER which is fluxing controller
2012 September Development of ABSOTENSION which tension control system
October Development of INROD SWITCH